Documentation for this module may be created at Module:languages/data3/l/doc
-- UTF-8 encoded strings for some commonly-used diacritics
local GRAVE = "\204\128" -- U+0300
local ACUTE = "\204\129" -- U+0301
local CIRC = "\204\130" -- U+0302
local TILDE = "\204\131" -- U+0303
local MACRON = "\204\132" -- U+0304
local BREVE = "\204\134" -- U+0306
local DOTABOVE = "\204\135" -- U+0307
local DIAER = "\204\136" -- U+0308
local CARON = "\204\140" -- U+030C
local DGRAVE = "\204\143" -- U+030F
local INVBREVE = "\204\145" -- U+0311
local DOTBELOW = "\204\163" -- U+0323
local RINGBELOW = "\204\165" -- U+0325
local CEDILLA = "\204\167" -- U+0327
local m = {}
m["laa"] = {
names = {"Lapuyan Subanun"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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names = {"Linear A"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["lac"] = {
names = {"Lacandon"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["lad"] = {
names = {"Ladino", "Judaeo-Spanish", "Judæo-Spanish", "Judeo-Spanish"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"Hebr", "Latn"},
family = "roa"}
m["lae"] = {
names = {"Pattani"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["laf"] = {
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type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["lag"] = {
names = {"Langi"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["lah"] = {
names = {"Lahnda"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["lai"] = {
names = {"Lambya"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["laj"] = {
names = {"Lango"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "sdv"}
m["lal"] = {
names = {"Lalia"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["lam"] = {
names = {"Lamba"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["laq"] = {
names = {"Qabiao"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["lar"] = {
names = {"Larteh"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["lau"] = {
names = {"Laba"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["law"] = {
names = {"Lauje"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"Latn"},
family = "poz"}
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names = {"Tiwa"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "poz-ocw"}
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names = {"Lui"},
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["lbb"] = {
names = {"Label"},
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "poz-ocw"}
m["lbc"] = {
names = {"Lakkia"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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type = "regular",
scripts = {"Cyrl"},
family = "cau-nec",
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["lbj"] = {
names = {"Ladakhi"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["lbk"] = {
names = {"Central Bontok"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["lbl"] = {
names = {"Libon Bikol"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "mun"}
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m["lbo"] = {
names = {"Laven"},
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["lbq"] = {
names = {"Wampar"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "poz-ocw"}
m["lbr"] = {
names = {"Northern Lorung"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["lbs"] = {
names = {"Libyan Sign Language"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "sgn"}
m["lbt"] = {
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type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "poz-ocw"}
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scripts = {"None"},
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type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["lby"] = {
names = {"Lamu-Lamu"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["lbz"] = {
names = {"Lardil"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["lcc"] = {
names = {"Legenyem"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "poz-hce"}
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "plf"}
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scripts = {"None"},
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m["lcf"] = {
names = {"Lubu"},
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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scripts = {"None"},
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scripts = {"None"},
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "nic-bco"}
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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scripts = {"None"},
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type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["lec"] = {
names = {"Leco"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-iso"}
m["led"] = {
names = {"Lendu"},
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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scripts = {"None"},
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scripts = {"None"},
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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scripts = {"None"},
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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scripts = {"None"},
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family = "qfa-und"}
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scripts = {"None"},
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scripts = {"None"},
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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scripts = {"None"},
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names = {"Lemolang"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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family = "qfa-und"}
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names = {"Lungga"},
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "poz-ocw"}
m["lgb"] = {
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "poz-ocw"}
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["lgh"] = {
names = {"Laghuu"},
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["lgi"] = {
names = {"Lengilu"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["lgk"] = {
names = {"Lingarak"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "poz-vnc"}
m["lgl"] = {
names = {"Wala"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "poz-sls"}
m["lgm"] = {
names = {"Lega-Mwenga"},
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "bnt"}
m["lgn"] = {
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type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["lgr"] = {
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scripts = {"None"},
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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names = {"Longgu"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "poz-sls"}
m["lgz"] = {
names = {"Ligenza"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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names = {"Lahu Shi"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["lhp"] = {
names = {"Lhokpu"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "tbq"}
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type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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scripts = {"None"},
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scripts = {"None"},
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family = "qfa-und"}
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scripts = {"None"},
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scripts = {"None"},
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names = {"Lika"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
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family = "qfa-und"}
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type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["lix"] = {
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type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["liz"] = {
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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names = {"Golpa"},
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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scripts = {"None"},
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family = "qfa-und"}
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["lke"] = {
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-tor"}
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["lkn"] = {
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scripts = {"None"},
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m["lko"] = {
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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scripts = {"None"},
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scripts = {"None"},
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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scripts = {"None"},
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m["lla"] = {
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["llb"] = {
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type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["llc"] = {
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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scripts = {"None"},
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scripts = {"None"},
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m["llh"] = {
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scripts = {"None"},
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m["lli"] = {
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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family = "qfa-und"}
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "mkh"}
m["llp"] = {
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type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "poz-vnc"}
m["llq"] = {
names = {"Lolak"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["lls"] = {
names = {"Lithuanian Sign Language"},
type = "regular",
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m["llu"] = {
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family = "poz-sls"}
m["llx"] = {
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "poz-occ"}
m["lma"] = {
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["lmb"] = {
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "poz-vnc"}
m["lmc"] = {
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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family = "qfa-und"}
m["lme"] = {
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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family = "qfa-und"}
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scripts = {"None"},
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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scripts = {"None"},
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scripts = {"None"},
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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scripts = {"None"},
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scripts = {"None"},
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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scripts = {"None"},
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family = "qfa-und"}
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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scripts = {"Latn"},
family = "bnt"}
m["lon"] = {
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type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "sdv"}
m["lou"] = {
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scripts = {"None"},
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["loz"] = {
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m["lpa"] = {
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family = "qfa-und"}
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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scripts = {"None"},
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scripts = {"None"},
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scripts = {"None"},
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scripts = {"None"},
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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scripts = {"None"},
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m["lsm"] = {
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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family = "sgn"}
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m["lsr"] = {
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scripts = {"None"},
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scripts = {"None"},
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type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
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scripts = {"Latn"},
family = "bat"}
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scripts = {"Latn"},
family = "plf"}
m["ltn"] = {
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type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["lto"] = {
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["lts"] = {
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scripts = {"None"},
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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scripts = {"Latn"},
family = "bnt"}
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["lud"] = {
names = {"Ludian"},
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["lue"] = {
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type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["luf"] = {
names = {"Laua"},
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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scripts = {"Latn"},
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["luk"] = {
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["lul"] = {
names = {"Olu'bo"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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names = {"Lunda"},
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scripts = {"Latn"},
family = "bnt"}
m["luo"] = {
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["lus"] = {
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scripts = {"Latn"},
family = "tbq"}
m["lut"] = {
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scripts = {"Latn"},
family = "sal"}
m["luu"] = {
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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scripts = {"Latn"},
family = "bnt"}
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["lva"] = {
names = {"Maku'a"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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names = {"Lavukaleve"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"Latn"},
family = "paa"}
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["lwh"] = {
names = {"White Lachi"},
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["lwl"] = {
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "aav"}
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names = {"Laomian"},
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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scripts = {"None"},
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "poz-vnc"}
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["lyg"] = {
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "aav"}
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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family = "ccs",
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from = {"̂"},
to = {""}}}
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